
'it's a small step from a mature supply chain to a sustainable value chain'

'it's a small step from a mature supply chain to a sustainable value chain'

Both thrive on transparency, traceability and collaboration.

Digital transformation of the entire value chain is essential to boost business performance, accelerate the transition to a circular economy, deliver on customer promises, and decouple economic growth from resource depletion.

Digital transformation is not a buzzword but an absolute necessity, because less than half of the companies have a grip on cross-departmental processes and information flows, let alone the chain. Lack of integration of business functions and the ubiquitous island culture makes collaboration impossible and depresses performance.

When your company is not yet thinking about unlocking it's value chain; integrating internal processes with upstream and downstream processes; redesigning products, production processes, supply and distribution chains.

NOW it is time to stand up for sustainability.

The need for change, not through the traditional time-consuming way, from research, through blueprint and cost-benefit analysis, to selection and implementation, is not yet sinking in.

Wake up!

☛ Not the new or changed EC policy measures such as the ESPR, the CPR, the CBAM, the EUDR, the PPWD, the CEAP, etc.

☛ Not the projects funded by the EC such as CIRPASS - Digital Product Passport, DigiPrime, Onto-DESIDE, TRICK Project, etc.

☛ Not the initiatives of multi-stakeholders, NGOs and agencies such as the UNECE Recommendations 46 for Sustainable Value Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector.

☛ Not the initiatives in the Textile, Clothing and Luxury sector such as the Aura Blockchain Consortium combining RFID, NFC, NFT, IoT to track products.

BUT the Digital Product Passport (#DPP) is going to mandate digital transformation of the total Value Chain.

It's going to cost companies money, it's going to hurt, it's going to require a valuable mindset change in boardrooms, but it has to be done.

Within the next 10 years, transparency, traceability and circularity of products will prevail throughout their entire lifespan; from design, raw material extraction to recycling and disposal.

Companies need a Sustainable #ERP, an S-ERP that thrives on IoT, AI (ML, DL, RPA, BDA), RFID / NFC based data transport, integrated with PLM (sustainable design), OMS (sustainable sales and fulfillment) and SCM (sustainable chains).

Much resistance expected from small and medium-sized businesses that will be hit hardest.

With all planned policy measures in Europe and worldwide, the economy will look different in 4 years, those who do not participate will no longer exist in 10 years.